Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Finally Here

Finally here…the trip to Panama was maybe not harrowing like an adventure novel, but certainly more frustrating than any of us anticipated. I really have some serious criticisms for the airline – I feel like the entire delay situation could have been handled better overall. But I’m trying my best to put it all behind me and just enjoy being here now.

Today was our first real day out and about. Trips to the University of Panama, Latina University, and the Nurses’ Association of Panama (Associacion Nacional de Enfermeras de Panama – sorry about any spelling mishaps there) were great, but left us tired. I was struck by the drastic differences between the public and private universities. Sometimes it seems amazing that schools with such different levels of resources can produce the same quality of nurse, with the public university even having a better track record of nurses trying to come to the states. The difference between public schools here and public schools in the state is amazing too; I attend a public school in Florida, but the nurses here will be able to perform many skills that I can’t at a fraction of the educational cost.

I really love the country so far. Something as simple as driving along the highway is a beautiful experience. I love the trees and shade of Panama – so many different shapes and sizes of leaf meld together to create a balance that is perfect. Maybe that seems very mushy or hippie, but it just struck me. The sounds are different too. This morning I was reading at the breakfast table and realized that I had stopped just to listen to all the birds. I was interested by what I saw of the city today, but I think that I’m more of a nature person, well, by nature. I can’t wait to get more involved in the clinics and other nursing activities, and I think it’s really cool how well regarded and respected nurses are here. Looking forward to what comes next…

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